How Does it Work?
ReleasePoint will retrieve the necessary medical records, or you can upload batchs of previously acquired record files for processing by DataLens.
DataLens scans for relevant keywords & categories, extracting keywords with the surrounding context, and presents the user with a unique review experience combining the keyword driven workflow with a full image viewer.
Users can opt for a PDF driven review experience, with DataLens output providing bookmarks to the relevant sections of the document, and can be accessed through any commercial PDF viewer.
Users recieve comprehensive aggregated reports to pinpoint potential litigants who meet specific criteria, identifying optimal plaintiffs for your case.

Frequently Asked Questions
How does DataLens work?
DataLens is a proprietary text analysis tool that allows users and organizations to set up keyword “dictionaries” that will allow DataLens to search every medical record for matches to those keywords wherever they occur in the document. There is also a request specific option, allowing users to designate individual keywords for individual patients, which is ideal for unique patient-centric evaluations.
How do I see the results of the DataLens process?
DataLens then presents the accumulated data to the user through an online viewing platform that lists every occurrence of the term, along with the surrounding textual context, allowing users to quickly evaluate whether each instance requires further review. A click on the keyword takes the user directly to the precise location in the medical record image.
How does it improve the medical review process?
Organizations can take advantage of this technology to establish multiple dictionaries per business unit, claim, or tort, providing their users with a highly optimized and sophisticated review experience that improves quality and dramatically reduces the time spent in medical review.